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# 20180211 ¸»¾¸¶óÀÌÇÁ

# 20180211 ¸»¾¸¶óÀÌÇÁ

# 20180211 »ê»óº¯¸ðÁÖÀÏ

# ¸¶°¡º¹À½9:2-9 (°³¿ª°³Á¤)
2. ¡Û¿³»õ ÈÄ¿¡ ¿¹¼ö²²¼­ º£µå·Î¿Í ¾ß°íº¸¿Í ¿äÇÑÀ» µ¥¸®½Ã°í µû·Î ³ôÀº »ê¿¡ ¿Ã¶ó°¡¼Ì´õ´Ï ±×µé ¾Õ¿¡¼­ º¯ÇüµÇ»ç
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# ¸¶°¡º¹À½9:2-9 (Ç¥ÁØ»õ¹ø¿ª)
2. ¡Û±×¸®°í ¿³»õ µÚ¿¡ ¿¹¼ö²²¼­ º£µå·Î¿Í ¾ß°íº¸¿Í ¿äÇѸ¸À» µ¥¸®½Ã°í, µû·Î ³ôÀº »êÀ¸·Î °¡¼Ì´Ù. ±×·±µ¥, ±×µéÀÌ º¸´Â ¾Õ¿¡¼­, ±×ÀÇ ¸ð½ÀÀÌ º¯ÇÏ¿´´Ù.  
3. ±× ¿ÊÀº ¼¼»óÀÇ ¾î¶² »¡·¡²ÛÀÌ¶óµµ ±×·¸°Ô Èñ°Ô ÇÒ ¼ö ¾øÀ» ¸¸Å­, »õÇϾé°Ô ºû³µ´Ù.  
4. ±×¸®°í ¿¤¸®¾ß°¡ ¸ð¼¼¿Í ÇÔ²² ±×µé¿¡°Ô ³ªÅ¸³ª´õ´Ï, ¿¹¼ö¿Í ¸»À» ³ª´©¾ú´Ù.  
5. º£µå·Î°¡ ´ë´äÇÏ¿© ¿¹¼ö²² ¸»ÇÏ¿´´Ù. "¶øºñ´Ô, ¿ì¸®°¡ ¿©±â¿¡ ÀÖ´Â °ÍÀÌ ÁÁ°Ú½À´Ï´Ù. ¿ì¸®°¡ Ãʸ· ¼ÂÀ» Áö¾î¼­, Çϳª¿¡´Â ¶øºñ´ÔÀ», Çϳª¿¡´Â ¸ð¼¼¸¦, Çϳª¿¡´Â ¿¤¸®¾ß¸¦ ¸ð½Ã°Ú½À´Ï´Ù."  
6. »ç½Ç, º£µå·Î´Â ¹«½¼ ´ë´äÀ» ÇØ¾ß ÁÁÀ»Áö ¸ô¶ú´ø °ÍÀÌ´Ù. Á¦ÀÚµéÀÌ °Ì¿¡ Áú·È±â ¶§¹®ÀÌ´Ù.  
7. ±×·±µ¥ ±¸¸§ÀÌ ÀϾ¼­, ±×µéÀ» µÚµ¤¾ú´Ù. ±×¸®°í ±¸¸§ ¼Ó¿¡¼­ ¼Ò¸®°¡ ³µ´Ù. "ÀÌ´Â ³» »ç¶ûÇÏ´Â ¾ÆµéÀÌ´Ù. ³ÊÈñ´Â ±×ÀÇ ¸»À» µé¾î¶ó."  
8. ±×µéÀÌ ¹Ù·Î µÑ·¯º¸¾ÒÀ¸³ª, ¾Æ¹«µµ ¾ø¾ú°í, ¿¹¼ö¸¸ ±×µé°ú ÇÔ²² °è¼Ì´Ù.  
9. ¡Û±×µéÀÌ »ê¿¡¼­ ³»·Á¿Ã ¶§¿¡, ¿¹¼ö²²¼­´Â ±×µé¿¡°Ô ¸íÇϽþî, ÀÎÀÚ°¡ Á×Àº »ç¶÷µé °¡¿îµ¥¼­ »ì¾Æ³¯ ¶§±îÁö´Â, º» °ÍÀ» ¾Æ¹«¿¡°Ôµµ À̾߱âÇÏÁö ¸»¶ó°í Çϼ̴Ù.

# ¸¶°¡º¹À½9:2-9 (¿ì¸®¸»¼º°æ)
2. 6ÀÏ ÈÄ¿¡ ¿¹¼ö²²¼­ º£µå·Î, ¾ß°íº¸, ¿äÇѸ¸ µû·Î µ¥¸®°í ³ôÀº »êÀ¸·Î ¿Ã¶ó°¡¼Ì½À´Ï´Ù. ±×·±µ¥ ¿¹¼ö²²¼­ ±×µé ¾Õ¿¡¼­ ¸ð½ÀÀÌ º¯Çϼ̽À´Ï´Ù.
3. ¿¹¼öÀÇ ¿ÊÀº ÀÌ ¼¼»ó ±× ´©±¸µµ ´õ ÀÌ»ó Èñ°Ô ÇÒ ¼ö ¾øÀ» ¸¸Å­ »õÇϾé°Ô Èñ°í ±¤Ã¤°¡ ³µ½À´Ï´Ù.
4. ±×¸®°í °Å±â¿¡ ¿¤¸®¾ß°¡ ¸ð¼¼¿Í ÇÔ²² ±×µé ¾Õ¿¡ ³ªÅ¸³ª ¿¹¼ö¿Í À̾߱⸦ ³ª´©¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.
5. º£µå·Î°¡ ¿¹¼ö²² ¸»Çß½À´Ï´Ù. ¡°ÁÖ¿©, ¿ì¸®°¡ ¿©±â ÀÖ´Â °ÍÀÌ ÁÁ°Ú½À´Ï´Ù. ¿ì¸®°¡ Ãʸ· ¼¼ °³¸¦ ¸¸µé¾î Çϳª¿¡´Â ÁÖ¸¦, Çϳª¿¡´Â ¸ð¼¼¸¦, Çϳª¿¡´Â ¿¤¸®¾ß¸¦ ¸ð½Ãµµ·Ï ÇÏ°Ú½À´Ï´Ù.¡±
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7. ±×¶§ ±¸¸§ÀÌ ³ªÅ¸³ª ±×µé À§¸¦ µ¤´õ´Ï ±¸¸§ ¼Ó¿¡¼­ ¼Ò¸®°¡ µé·Á¿Ô½À´Ï´Ù. ¡°ÀÌ´Â ³» »ç¶ûÇÏ´Â ¾ÆµéÀÌ´Ù. ±×ÀÇ ¸»À» µéÀ¸¶ó!¡±
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# ¸¶°¡º¹À½9:2-9 (NIV)
2. After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them.  
3. His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them.  
4. And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus.  
5. Peter said to Jesus, "Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters -- one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah."  
6. (He did not know what to say, they were so frightened.)  
7. Then a cloud appeared and enveloped them, and a voice came from the cloud: "This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!"  

8. Suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus.  
9. As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus gave them orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead.  

# ¸¶°¡º¹À½9:2-9 (KJV)
2. And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them.
3. And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them.
4. And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus.
5. And Peter answered and said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.
6. For he wist not what to say; for they were sore afraid.
7. And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.
8. And suddenly, when they had looked round about, they saw no man any more, save Jesus only with themselves.
9. And as they came down from the mountain, he charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead.

# ¸¶°¡º¹À½9:2-9 (NASV)
2. And six days later, Jesus *took with Him Peter and James and John, and *brought them up to a high mountain by themselves. And He was transfigured before them;  
3. and His garments became radiant and exceedingly white, as no launderer on earth can whiten them.  
4. And Elijah appeared to them along with Moses; and they were talking with Jesus.  
5. And Peter answered and *said to Jesus, "Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah."  
6. For he did not know what to answer; for they became terrified.  
7. Then a cloud formed, overshadowing them, and a voice came out of the cloud, "This is My beloved Son, listen to Him!"  
8. And all at once they looked around and saw no one with them anymore, except Jesus alone.  
9. And as they were coming down from the mountain, He gave them orders not to relate to anyone what they had seen, until the Son of Man should rise from the dead.

# »ý¸í»ç¶ûÀ̾߱â # ¸¶°¡º¹À½9:2-9 / »õ·Ó°Ô º¯È­µÇ´Â »ý¸í(»ê) / ÇÑȫö¸ñ»ç

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1. Çϳª´ÔÀº ¡°º¸¾Æ¶ó¡± ¸»¾¸ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.(¸·9:2-3/ 2Àý)

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2. Çϳª´ÔÀº ¡°µé¾î¶ó¡± ¸»¾¸ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.(¸·9:4-8/ 7Àý)

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3. Çϳª´ÔÀº ¡°Àоî¶ó¡± ¸»¾¸ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.(¸·9:9Àý)

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# 20180218 »ç¼øÀý ù ¹ø° ÁÖÀÏ

# ¸¶°¡º¹À½1:9-15 (°³¿ª°³Á¤)

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# ¸¶°¡º¹À½1:9-15 (Ç¥ÁØ»õ¹ø¿ª)

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# ¸¶°¡º¹À½1:9-15 (¿ì¸®¸»¼º°æ)
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# ¸¶°¡º¹À½1:9-15 (NIV)

9. At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.  
10. As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove.  
11. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."  
12. At once the Spirit sent him out into the desert,  
13. and he was in the desert forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him.  
14. After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God.  
15. "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!"  

# ¸¶°¡º¹À½1:9-15 (KJV)

9. And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.
10. And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:
11. And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
12. And immediately the spirit driveth him into the wilderness.
13. And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto him.
14. Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,
15. And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

# ¸¶°¡º¹À½1:9-15 (NASV)

9. And it came about in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan.  
10. And immediately coming up out of the water, He saw the heavens opening, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon Him;  
11. and a voice came out of the heavens: "Thou art My beloved Son, in Thee I am well-pleased."  
12. And immediately the Spirit *impelled Him [to go] out into the wilderness.  
13. And He was in the wilderness forty days being tempted by Satan; and He was with the wild beasts, and the angels were ministering to Him.  
14. And after John had been taken into custody, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God,  
15. and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel."  

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# ±³È¸¶óÀÌÇÁ 20170219
h:629 v:114
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# ±³È¸¶óÀÌÇÁ 20210117
h:628 v:107
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# ¸»¾¸¶óÀÌÇÁ 20160710
h:627 v:109
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# ±³È¸¶óÀÌÇÁ 20150208
h:627 v:129
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# ¸»¾¸¶óÀÌÇÁ 20150125
h:627 v:131
2015-01-24 22:26
# ±³È¸¶óÀÌÇÁ 20170122
h:626 v:114
2017-02-08 21:49
# ±âµµ¶óÀÌÇÁ 20220703
h:623 v:154
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# 20180211 ¸»¾¸¶óÀÌÇÁ
h:623 v:110
2018-02-13 09:59
# ¸»¾¸¶óÀÌÇÁ 20240407
h:622 v:100
2024-04-07 22:51
# ¸»¾¸¶óÀÌÇÁ 20221127
h:621 v:90
2022-11-24 09:57
# ±³È¸¶óÀÌÇÁ20200823
h:621 v:106
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# ±âµµ¶óÀÌÇÁ 20210912
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